My progress

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Sorry I haven't been updating much. Work is still really busy.
My eating has been much better, exercise is still pretty well non-existant.
Alcohol - zero since Saturday night and even then I didn't have many drinks.
I'm down to one day a week where I have alcohol now and i'm having minimal.
It's DH's birthday tomorrow - we're going to Lone Star - it's close, it's cheap and it's kid friendly.

I will make an effort to avoid sharing DH's free Birthday Brownie Blast. Those things are to die for!

Must get back to work.


Chris H said...

Yum Lonestar! I love their Hoover Hog the best... that pudding lookes soooo yum.... thanks for making me mouth drool !

Mary said...

So is it lunch time yet? Mmm, yum :-) Good going with the alcohol. You're really giving it to the ciggies and the piss lately. More power to you babe!

Zanna said...

Wow - talking about attacking on all fronts - you are AMAZING!!