My progress

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Got to admit it's getting better

I went to the gym at 6am this morning. Wow, how unreal does it make you feel? It's better than taking drugs**

I feel unreal, I feel like I could kick arse at anything today. I really pushed myself. I feel great.
I don't feel skinny, but I feel like I will be soon. I have to keep this up. There must be something that kicks in when you exercise that makes you feel better and it's way better than the feeling you get when you eat something totally delicious and fabulous and, what's even better is that instead of feeling guilty afterwards like you do when you eat bad stuff, you feel on top of the world!!

I have to remember this the next time i'm thinking about eating something bad.

The ladies at the gym are SO nice. Even the ones who don't work there help you and tell you if you're doing something wrong on the machine. I love it there. For anyone out there like me who's not a gym fan at all, if there's a Curves near you - try it - it's brilliant and just right for anyone like me who's 'allergic' to exercise.

** (ahem ... not that i've ever done that - what I mean to say is It's better than I reckon any drug could make you feel!!).


Kathryn said...

woohoo! it's called endorphins :)

Chris H said...

I totally agree with ya, the gym rocks! Go us gym bunnies.

Doug Bagley said...

I love that high you get after working out

michelle said...

How many times have I tried to tell you this??? I am so pleased you are discovering the benefits of exercise.

Jadey said...

"There must be something that kicks in when you exercise that makes you feel better and it's way better than the feeling you get when you eat something totally delicious and fabulous and, what's even better is that instead of feeling guilty afterwards like you do when you eat bad stuff, you feel on top of the world!!"

It's called endorphins! Great way to start the day huh!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

hmmm have to get me some of them endorphin things....

Mary said...

Whoot, I reckon! You could never get a high like that elsewhere, unless you have the comedown too ;-) I love hearing about this babe!