My progress

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I had a blowout yesterday and ate some lollies that I shouldn't have had, oops. Then had a burger and a couple of fish cocktail pieces for dinner cos I was over it and couldn't be bothered with anything healthy. It was just one of those days, but it could have been a lot worse so i'm not beating myself up about it.

Went to the gym again this morning. There was a lady there who only had one arm, when I first saw her I was wondering how she would cope with the arm machines but she did really well. She was wearing a poncho so no-one could notice that she was missing an arm, but it was pretty obvious. I guess that means it must have happened recently as opposed to her not having had it her whole life. I guess I figure she would be more comfortable with it if it was a birth defect or similar.

The other (stupid) thing I was wondering was how do they work out her goal weight or her BMI - do you deduct a percentage for not having one arm? How much would one arm weigh anyway? Or what about her body fat percentage - that little machine they use to record your body fat has to be held in both hands.

Yes I know that's probably the least of her worries and I shouldn't be so superficial but tell me you wouldn't think the same thing.


CaramelKitKat said...

Heheh, I like how your mind works. As if anyone needs another reason not to go to the gym.

It's funny you should mention amputation today because my friend told me this little story last night... She works with a lady, who although nice enough, has poor work ethic. She does her grocery shopping on work hours and takes unexplained days off etc. Last week she called in to say she would not be in for 4-6weeks. My mate has had to take on her workload and was having a bit of a bitch in the tearoom about this lady's habit of taking so much time off. Not having heard this conversation, her boss called her in later in the day and explained why this woman was away: "Her absence may be extended...due to the fact that she has had her leg amputated" !!!

Kellee said...

Hey Bri. Glad to see you've been doing so well. A few things...

Purty hair. Very nice.

From that photo it looks like you've lost a bit since I last saw you. Good for you!

Don't worry about the blowout. Put it down to you psychically knowing it was my birthday and eating in sympathy with me. :)

Go Curves! I'm so pleased that you're enjoying it. You need to write all that good stuff on your fridge somewhere to motivate you when you're not in the mood.

My regards to the lovely J, and here's hoping you guys get to hire that treadmill real soon.

Big hugs to L.

And a big kiss to you too! You rock.

- K.

Chris H said...

Far out your mind works in a funny way! I don't think it matters if she has one arm less when it comes to weight, it she's fat... she's fat, with one or two arms eh? But it does make ya wonder..... thanks, now I shall go to bed thinking on that one.

abc said...

You are a crack up. I would never have wondered how she works out her BMI LOL. But isn't based on heights, age and weight. Her total body is what it is whether she has one arm or three arms? No? Hell I don't know. ood for you for going to curves! And don;t worry about one blowout - that is all it is - one blowout. Have a great day beautiful Bri! Its FRIDAY!!!!! YAY!

Zanna said...

Hey - one off day - so what - it's that ticker that says 2 months 3 days which is fantastic. And they way you've tackled that then got straight back into weightloss is bloody marvellous. Yes you do rock!

Mary said...

I would probably think the same kind of thing but thought it was cool that she was there, regardless. I often wonder how I would cope in that kind of situation.

LOL at the blowout. You and me both but the good thing is that we do it, then move on :-)

PS. I stuffed up my blog and can't get it back so the new address is -

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

hey there Bri..Long time no hear lady...
Hope you had a top weekend... I guess your comp isnt fixed yet... are you sure hubby didnt sabotage it so you had to spend all weekend doidn housework instead??? haha
Hope to hear from you soon...
have a gr8 start to the week...

Motivational Speaker said...

Just go for a will make it all better!