My progress

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

So I got through one whole day without smoking. Thanks for all of your comments, it's nice to know that you all have faith in me. I'm definitely going to do it this time and the support I get here definitely helps with the will power. I know how disappointed you would be if I did have a cigarette.

I will also have to stay away from alcohol for a while, cos as soon as I have a drink I know i'm going to want a cigarette. Although I will probably be okay if i'm drinking with other people who don't smoke. I don't have many friends that smoke anymore, smoking is definitely on the way out isn't it.

A few things I forgot about the patches:
  • dry mouth (this is a plus cos it means I drink more water)
  • horrifically vivid dreams (bad cos it makes me tired)
  • sore arms for the first few days, just like when you get a tetanus injection (this passes)
  • the patches also make me itchy
  • if you forget your patch - you're stuffed!!

I think i'll take the patches off when I go to bed, this could stop the dreams. I've also put a spare one in my handbag incase I ever forget to put one on in the morning.

I brought heaps of point friendly snacks to work today, carrots, rice cakes, lite cottage cheese, tomatoes, so I have no excuse to buy anything to eat that is bad for me.

My weight has gone up, so i've changed my ticker. Geez I was doing so well and now look at me. Oh well, at least i'm still lighter than when I started 3 weeks ago! I'll get back there, just you watch me!

So, all sorted. Here's to a successful day two (and staying away from the servo!!).

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bad day

It was a very stressful day at work today. Maybe due to the fact that we're understaffed, maybe due to the fact that the phones just did not stop ringing today, maybe due to the fact that everyone who rang us today was a moron, but also maybe due to the fact that i'm trying to give up smoking and the other girls seemed to go out every five minutes today for a ciggie!!

I was doing okay until I had to go to the servo to put petrol in one of the girls cars. I got the petrol and a bottle of water and then I saw the lollies, you know the ones, they sit them RIGHT beside the register and you can't miss them. They yell at you "eat me - you know you want me - we are full of colourful yummy goodness".

Dammit why am I so weak?

At least I didn't buy chocolate or chips, but I figure I had 10 points worth of lollies - but they were 99% fat free!! As if THAT matters. Ha ha

Then when I got home I had a piece of bread with corned meat and my chilli relish on it (see recipe blog for details).

OK so I might not be smoking and it's only day one but my eating was crap today. I'll try and do better tomorrow!?!?!?

Wish me luck!!

Reasons to lose weight

Reasons to lose weight:

  1. To be healthier
  2. To be fitter
  3. To sweat less (or more if i'm exercising!!)
  4. To be a good role model for my child
  5. To be able to buy size 12 clothes all the time, not just the stretchy ones where I fool myself i'm a size 12
  6. To be able to buy nice underwear (that doesn't roll down under my muffin top tummy when I bend over or sit down)
  7. To look good
  8. To be more confident

That will do for starters. What are your reasons?

Monday, January 29, 2007


Quick goals for this week (i'm not doing very well so I am going to keep it simple).

1. Give up smoking TODAY (Patches ready to go)
2. No alcohol on school nights, minimal on weekends, try sticking to soda water or diet drinks
3. Try to eat properly

# 1 and 2 are MUCH more important than # 3 this week, then i'll tackle the food issues next week.

I still have lot of crap going on in my life but ignoring my blog isn't really working for me. I have a lot of stuff in my head that needs to be written down. I've created a password blog for that other parlaver and i'll try and stick to weight loss issues here.

Thanks for hanging around if there's anyone still reading.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

New recipe added

Today I made tomato and chilli relish. See my recipe blog for the details.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I'm going to be away for a little while. I'll try and update weekly if I can but i'm trying to sort some stuff out and need to give the computer a rest for a little while. It could be a week, or a month or just a few days. Just know that i'm still reading all of your blogs when I can (lunchtimes are good) and keeping an eye on you and i'll be back as soon as I can, hopefully stronger and better than ever.


Monday, January 22, 2007


Bloglines has dropped a few of my blogs I watch. I was just thinking lately how so many of you are commenting but not updating your own blogs and thinking you were all having an extended blogging holiday. Then I found out that I was wrong. D'oh.

So ..... if you think i'm being rude and not commenting that's the reason.

Please give me time to add you back into my bloglines feeds and know that i'm not avoiding any of you. I will attempt to get you all back on this weekend.

Also, if you don't hear from me, or haven't heard from me in a while, please drop me an email with your details so I can add you back on.

thanks and a thousand apologies

Day 15 (I think i've lost count)

Actually maybe I should call these posts "Week (insert #) cos i'm getting confused with the days now.

Week 3

Heaps of stuff going on at home that I can't talk about here. I'm really stressed and down at the moment. Food is going okay though and water intake is great, thanks to the damn heat.

Everything else is crap.

I will try to update my tracking blog so that at least i'm keeping a record somewhere of what i'm eating.

Not sure about my weight because i'm a bit all over the place at the moment but I had another loss this week, maybe only 300 gms. I was doing way better than that because on Saturday my morning weight was 75.8. I will officially weigh in tomorrow morning and try to update my ticker at least.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day eleven

I have been eating very well but my water intake is lacking a bit. Food has been excellent though, i'm hoping for another loss this week and if I can stay away from alcohol I should be okay! hehe
Got a quote to put our dishwasher in - $1,000 - seems a bit steep to me so we may just sell the dishwasher, not sure yet. Have to talk to DH about it.
I'm taking DS for his second swimming lesson tomorrow morning.
Not much else to report.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day ten

Did well yesterday until last night when I had 4 squares of chocolate. Still under points so i'm happy with that.
Went for a walk last night with DS to the park with his new bike from Santa and we both really enjoyed it. DH couldn't come cos he had to work late but I had already told DS about going so that I wouldn't wuss out.

Toilet training is going well and we only had one accident yesterday. My little man is just growing up way too fast. Who would have thought he could be toilet trained by the age of two and a half! What a champion. I had heard boys were harder to toilet train than girls, but he's doing so well and is so proud of himself.

I got my new glasses yesterday, not sure whether I like them or not yet. I loved them when I tried them on in the shop, maybe I was wearing a better colour???? As Homer Simpsons would say "maybe a look a little more sophisti-ma-cated"!! hehe

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I have to apologise for my absence. I fell off the wagon big time, it all started with Margaritas on Friday night and kind of went downhill from there.

I lost one kilo last week (this is great considering I woke up at 4.30am on Monday with a massive hangover and TTOTM had arrived too).

I will do better this week. Back to tracking properly, drinking lots of water and i've packed my snacks and lunch today so i'll be fine.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Day five

Oops, took DS for his first swimming lesson this morning and I didn't eat breakfast before I left. Big mistake. Then we went to Maccas to get a coffee. "Accidentally" a bacon&egg muffin and a hashbrown jumped into the bag. 9 points for breakfast - damn that was stupid. I'm having a huge salad for lunch so no points and that will make up for it hopefully.

I finally got a copy of Geneen Roth's book (Break free from emotional eating) from ebay. I'm so excited and can't wait to read it.

That's all for today, I just got to work so I better get started.

Hope you're all having a fabulous day!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day four

Weight today is exactly the same as yesterday. I guess with a 1.4 loss in two days I was worried about my weight going back up, but it hasn't (yet) and it won't if I have anything to do with it.

OK so I had a tossle with some cheese and bacon bread last night, naughty naughty. But I think I won because the old me would have eaten the whole damn lot and the new me didn't so nurr to you bread!! Also the old me would have had chips with my fish and some kind of creamy dressing but the new me had herbs, fresh ones at that, parsley, chives, coriander (that's cilantro for those of us playing from overseas), chilli and lemon juice - DEvine if I do say so myself!!

I have still been under points everyday, which is good while i'm not exercising but I really have to do something about that. I'm going to clean up the house this weekend and get organised. I'm putting the exercise bike out the back under the new awning and as of next Monday i'm doing 10 minutes a day and hopefully more, whether I "think" I have the time or not.

Really busy at work today so must tootle off now.

Ciao for now, hope you're all well and getting skinnier by the minute.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day three

This really does get easier every day, it's not like giving up smoking (which is tough for so long it's not funny), it's way easier. I feel so much better already after only a couple of days.

OK, don't anyone tell Kellee that i'm still weighing myself everyday (self-confessed scale whore here) but this morning showed another loss - 0.5 - so that's 1.4 kilos in two days - and YES Kellee I know when you read this you'll have something to say about how our weight can go up and down throughout the week yadda yadda yadda, but I cannot stop weighing myself every day but I could stop reporting on it if it upsets you that much!! hahaha

I have lots of work on today so I really must stop blogging for a while and try to concentrate on getting some of that done. I haven't done any house cleaning yet but i'm planning on doing a heap tonight because even though i'm tired and I have 'issues' they're not as bad as other people's and really I should be thankful for my life, my job, my beautiful son and the fact that I can do whatever I want if I put my mind to it. I need to remember this and stop sweating the small stuff.

Hope you're all having a fantastic day!


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day two.

So I got on the scales this morning, not feeling any better or thinner and they said "77.2" - What the ????
How can you lose 0.9 in ONE day? I think my scales are stuffed!

I had a couple of small slip ups yesterday. I was starving when I got home, even though I had my afternoon snack at 3.45pm and I ate one piece of bread with two tiny pieces of ham on it and then I saw some pods in the cupboard and they got the better of me. At least I didn't eat the whole lot, I resisted all except 4 (I counted 2 points even though I have no idea how many points they would be, but I doubt it would be more than 2 and if any of you know any different then I don't want to know!!!). DH ate the rest and so they are no more, phew!

I also started making dinner as soon as I got home so I wasn't leaving eating until 8pm like we normally do. I was making salad so I ate some capsicum and carrot while I was preparing to stop me eating anything else.

Day one was tough, I forgot how hard it was, but I know that it gets easier and that very soon i'll start having more energy and feeling much much better, I just wish it would hurry up! haha

Planning my meals and snacks REALLY helps though, it takes the indecision out of the equation. Today for lunch I brought the rest of the salad (I made enough for about 40 people!) and the leftover potato salad which I made with red onion, chives, Free french dressing, P&S and a tiny amount of WW sour cream. It was yum. I also have a couple of tiny slices of ham shredded on the top. Total points for lunch will be 3 and there is heaps of salad so I will be eating forever!!

We're pretty busy at work so I better head off and get started. I hope you're all having a fabulous skinny day!


Monday, January 8, 2007

and so it begins ...

Day one.

I'm feeling pretty good and I really think i'm ready to knuckle down and get my weight sorted out. I have already had a friendly SMS reminder about my new beginning today (thanks Kellee). It's so great to have such fantastic people on my side.

I just worked out my 'new start' Excel spreadsheet and if I lose 500 gms per week I can get to 62 kilos by the end of August. Wow! I can't even imagine being in the 60's never mind being down that low. So I have 16 kilos to lose. Yes after being so good over Christmas and New Year and actually losing weight, I have regained those couple of kilos and then some in the last week of over-indulgence. I'm not sure how because I was walking a lot and not really eating all that much, but maybe it's fluid retention or something, fingers crossed. This morning the scales were very rude and told me that I now weigh 78.1 kilos. So I called them a bad name and said "that will be the last time I weight this much- nurr nurr".

I am starting a blog for tracking my food/points, water and exercise every day. It will be pretty boring but if you want to check it out i'll link it on the side bar. I'm also going to start a recipe blog and will link that too. So, I hope that my motivation stays high and my weight goes low and I hope the same for all of you!
