My progress

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bad day

It was a very stressful day at work today. Maybe due to the fact that we're understaffed, maybe due to the fact that the phones just did not stop ringing today, maybe due to the fact that everyone who rang us today was a moron, but also maybe due to the fact that i'm trying to give up smoking and the other girls seemed to go out every five minutes today for a ciggie!!

I was doing okay until I had to go to the servo to put petrol in one of the girls cars. I got the petrol and a bottle of water and then I saw the lollies, you know the ones, they sit them RIGHT beside the register and you can't miss them. They yell at you "eat me - you know you want me - we are full of colourful yummy goodness".

Dammit why am I so weak?

At least I didn't buy chocolate or chips, but I figure I had 10 points worth of lollies - but they were 99% fat free!! As if THAT matters. Ha ha

Then when I got home I had a piece of bread with corned meat and my chilli relish on it (see recipe blog for details).

OK so I might not be smoking and it's only day one but my eating was crap today. I'll try and do better tomorrow!?!?!?

Wish me luck!!


CaramelKitKat said...

Weak??! Not at all. This might not be a popular suggestion, but why not tackle the smoking on it's own? You have done SO WELL with your weight loss, and with it reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer etc etc, so why not be happy to maintain while you put your all into giving the fags the arse? (I am trying to thing of an analogy, but can't as I cant think of giving up anything else that would be as hard.) Sure, you might succeed and all power to you if you do, but the other option is 'failing', and I don't think you deserve to feel that way.

Your health needs you to quit smoking more than it needs you to lose those last few kilos.

Best wishes are with you Bri x

Chris H said...

I agree with CKK, stopping smoking is 100% better for your ongoing health than perhaps gaining a few kilos.... You can work on the kilos once you are over the smoking addiction. You can do it, you know you can, so prove it to yourself. You are a strong woman.

Zanna said...

You're not weak - you're conquering an addiction and that takes time and effort. Sorry I disagree with the girls above to some extent - right your main focus is stopping smoking but if you keep your eating at the back of your mind rather than give yourself carte blanche to eat because you've stopped smoking and deserve a little something nice, (cos' that's they way we think) you'll have a bit of a handle on it. Yes sure there will be days and times when you'll succumb but that's OK - just do the best you can - that's all any of us can do. Just think about getting through one day at a time and trust me every day gets a little bit easier.
You can do it!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Give yourself a break girl....
Everyone knows what a bitch it is to not try.. to GIVE up smoking... You will get thru it... you have done it before...
Get that fresh fruit out... Orange juice to replace that vitamin c that gets sucked out of your system thru the nicotine and hopefully that will help kill those sweet cravings....
You will be fine... I believe in you Bri... you CAN do it!!!

Kathryn said...

At least you didn't kill anyone.