My progress

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Went to the gym again this morning, i'm feeling stronger already. We have to take our heart rate every 8 minutes and at first mine was sky rocketing really quickly, now it's taking longer and I know what to do to slow it down. Geez who would have thought. Especially since today was only my 7th visit.

It's also nicer that it's not pitch darkness at 6am in the mornings now too, it makes such a difference to how I feel, although it was a little bit cold this morning, autumn is definitely here.

We are having a Council clean up in our area and DH put the old crappy treadmill out the front this morning while I was at the gym. By the time I was leaving for work it was gone. Good luck to whoever took it, it's very dodgy, the belt slips one minute and then gets stuck the next.

When DH gets down to 110 kilos we are going to hire a proper treadmill that we can run on. Yay, I can't wait. I keep watching Damien from the Biggest Loser running on that fabulous treadmill and thinking about how hard it must be, but if the Biggest Losers can do it then I can too, one step at a time.

I'm finding i'm really hungry on the days that I go to the gym. A lady I know suggested Musachi protein shakes. For some ridiculous reason I thought they would taste like meat (????) but they're quite nice and for only 1 WW Point each I reckon they are worth it. I have only tried Strawberry so far but I have chocolate today. They are also 99% fat free.


Kathryn said...

Meat milkshake!!!

The dodgy treadmill does sound bad. Much better to get a good one what you want to use.

Chris H said...

I feel so guilty! I have a very good, very expensive treadmill that I never use! I go to the gym and use theirs! I just like the company at the gym me thinks. My hubby uses ours at least.

abc said...

Musachi is great. They have a protein bar I like - chocolate. I usually keep one handy for times I get famished but have nothing nearby but junk food. Bri you are such a champ going to the gym. Well done! And now both of you are trying to lose weight, thats even better. Council pick up is great - 90% of stuff is takne by other people. I think its great. They take something and fix it up...something they can't otherwise afford. Other enterprising people take stuff to fix up and sell. Good on them I say - It was only gong to go to the dump. People that know ow to fix washng machines and dryers must do well I reckon.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh I do laugh when I see people post DH and when I first saw that all I could think was what I call my ex husband...Dick Head.. haha
Dear Hubby / Dick Head.. I see the similarities... rofl...
Sorry i just had to tell you... Glad things are going well for you...
New sandshoes... that must be nice...
Good to hear hubby has joined in on the weightloss thing..

Zanna said...

Sound's like the pair of us have become fitness freaks - and I'm loving it. Two gym visits, two c25K days and one walk so far this week - I'm nearly jumping out of my skin!!! What I can see of the blonde looks great!

Mary said...

You are sounding so great babe and how cool is it that you found your secret weapon now, the gym!

Motivational Speaker said...

If your hungry after a workout a banana in low fat milk is a great stomach filler!