My progress

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Some photos and pick the junk food

I tidied up the toys today, sometimes I wonder why I bother. Actually EVERY time I wonder why I bother. It doesn't take long before everything is thrown all over the room again!! haha

I also took photos of my fridge and pantry. I really need to clean them out or at least organise them a bit better, i'm not doing that yet, cos I have my lazy arsed hat on today, but I will do it soon and take comparison photos. Unfortunately there's no sexy young man in my fridge like some people have!! hehe

Spot the over priced high fat junk foods if you will!!


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Dont know about junk food but I found your alcohol stash..wooooohoooo
Hope you are feeling better today hunny...
Toys look gr8 all tidied up ... but yeah i have no idea why we bother some days...

CaramelKitKat said...

At least your junk is on show, mine was always hidden....evil little habit that it was.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: YOU'RE DOING A BRILLIANT JOB IN QUITTING SMOKING!! I hope you feel heaps better!

LBTEPA said...

oh dear, I hope you're feeling a bit better from your last post you poor thing! That "I hate myself I am such a loser' feeling is THE WORST.
Still I have to say that weight loss and fitness happen inside your whole life - I think a lot fo time we try to compartmentalise them and then get shitty with ourselves that we aren't perfect. It's always a juggling act and it always requires tweaking as we go through ups and downs. Which is a pain. No point calling yourself names though -I TRY to never say things to myself that I wouldn't take if someone else said them to em.

Take care