My progress

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

There ain't no hollaback girl

Guess who's got tickets to see Gwen Stefani??????

I have 17 weeks to lose 8.5 kilos - I MUST be in the 60's by the time I go (30 July) otherwise i'm giving away my ticket to whoever puts their hand up first. It has to be the 60's - I don't care if it's 60.1 or 69.9 - I will be there.

(In the case that I forget about this and lose my way (or weigh) please feel free to remind me, kick my arse, and do whatever needs be to get me back on track).

My weight has been so all over the place this year - I've been everywhere between 75 and 79 and back again. This could be the very thing that gets my mojo back and sees my in virgin fat territory before too long. Fingers (and everything else) crossed.

Thank you, thank you very much!!


Anonymous said...

well just keep up the gym work and you'll be in the 60's before you know it. i can't believe it's only 17 weeks til July, get the hell out of town. where has the year gone?

i know about the raining in Newcastle, my sister broke her ankle last night and had to have about 10 people stand around her with a tarp until the ambo's arrived. poor girl, she's in a bad way!

anyway, hope you stay away from the black hole, remember you have more than most and what i'd give to be in the 70's...

Kathryn said...

Get a whiteboard marker and write it across your fridge. With a countdown and pic of Gwen. That'll keep you honest :)

Mel. said...

You can do it Bri, your heading in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Kathryn....make a graph, WL chart, whatever it takes and slather that all over the fridge. Then keep up the activity no matter what .....the inches will melt away.

angelfish24 said...

Sounds like a doable goal. I like the chart idea to keep you on track. It's dang hard to lose the weight w/ out yo yo ing around. I'm trying to look at the emotional side of things as that seems to trip me up.
Have a good week and hope you are feeling better.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh oh oh..I have my hand up... go and eat that packet of choccie biscuits..i wanna go and see Gwen Stefani
Just joking lovely...
You will get there... hey ya never know I might get there with you....woooohooooo
Glad you are enjoying curves... wish i could go too.... Have to just use my airwalker thing....
and pretend i am with other ladies doin the same thing.. hehe..

Leighanne said...

What great motivation ...I love kathryn's idea of having her pic up everywhere to rmind you!!!

Cinders said...

You'll get there Bri - have a great weekend x

Mary said...

You are SO going to that concert miss or else! No pressure at all hey ;-)

Chunky said...

This shit is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!