My progress

Friday, March 23, 2007


I love Fridays and it's nearly time to go home. Yay!

Didn't go to the gym today as I was going to go this afternoon but DH didn't do the washing like I asked him to - I will have to go tomorrow morning but that's okay cos DH is off so it won't be a drama and the gym is open from 7am til 11am.

My weight is good, my tickers are correct at the moment and hopefully i'll be able to reduce the numbers by next week.

Still don't have a computer at home but i'm hoping to have something soon? Fingers crossed.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Jadey said...

If I don't get to the gym first thing I never get there either! (although that will probably change now)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh no comp at home.. that sucks...
Hope it is all sorted out soon...
Hugs Nannette

michelle said...

Fantastic ies on now with those Gwen ticktes. You can do this... Warning go to the gym each morning or something will always crop up.

Sue said...

Hope you had a great weekend!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Hope you had a gr8 weekend...

Mary said...

I reckon Friday's are the best day of the week. I hope you're having a great weekend gorgeous!

PS. I hope to see you on Health Nuts soon too :-)