My progress

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Positive step 1 of 3

I went to the movies on my own. This is very brave for me, cos I don't do anything on my own. I hate being alone, it's my worst nightmare.

I'm very proud of myself. This proves to me that I can do things on my own and that I don't need someone else to prop me up. I don't even need to tell anyone else about it, except you guys of course - LMAO!!! :0)

I saw the new Harry Potter movie, it was bloody brilliant. I wouldn't mind seeing it again actually. You always miss heaps the first time you see a movie.

As for the psychic, I know a lot of people don't believe in them, but I do. Apart from this one saying Jason and I were soulmates, she was pretty much on the money with everything else that has happened in our lives lately. I'm interested to hear what she has to say, but i'm keeping an open mind and will take everything with a grain of salt.

Oh and you'll notice i've updated my weight to it's current crapiness. I guess it could be a lot worse, i've only put on 2.2 kilos in the last 6 weeks and considering the pregnancy, the miscarriage and all the emotional eating i've been doing i'd say i've been pretty lucky on the weight front.

More later blogger buddies .....


Kathryn said...

Go you! It's not so hard once you make your mind up to do it, is it.

Btw did you crack up at the line about Dumbledore's "secret weapon" or am I the only person juvenile enough to do that?

I'm very skeptical about psychics cos I used to work as a phone psychic, but then when I was younger I went a few times to a woman who read tea leaves who was uncanny - she'd tell you names/dates everything.

Tracy said...

Good on you. A good first move.

It will be interesting to see what the psychic says. If she has been accurate about a lot of other stuff that then maybe Jason misheard or misinterpreted something regarding the soul mate bit.

Take care of yourself :-)

angelfish24 said...

I have to say I don't really believe in psychics. Never been to one. But my sis and mom did and they said she didn't get anything right!
Would I want to know the future before it happened? I mean if they really knew what they were doing? No, so I won't go. But, do I on occasion looke at horoscopes and get entertainment out of it? Yes I do.
I agree with the previous comment the other day is that life is what you make it. It's your decisions that affect the course of your life. Destiny and chance play a role too I guess. But goals and dreams put into action are what makes you life what you want it to be.

Chris H said...

Good on you, glad the movie was fantastic... I am going to see it very soon too. Each to their own RE: psychics and all other controversial things eh? If we were all the same it would be a sad and boring old world eh? Have fun.

abc said...

Oh Bloody Frigg. I left your email at work so now I can't add you as a reader - unless you know my gmail address then you email it there. About the movies, that is so freaky because I went to the movies on my own on Friday night. My now ex has been going out every Friday night til all hours and since we are over I decided I would do that too. So I went out for drinks with some work people, and when some decded to head off for dinner they invited me and where I normally would have have said no, I said yes and tagged on. But after dinner (which was nice) they went home at 9pm. Bummer. I pretended I had friends elsewhere to meet ad cheerily said bye. I then walked through the city, along the river and just was with me, with no-one to meet and no home that I wanted to go to. SO I ended up at the movies and I saw Oceans 13 on my own. It ws the first time ever that I have gone to the movies on my own. I caught the 10.45pm session and got out after midnight. I went for a walk along the Yarra where it is lit up with people but I kept thinking someone was following me so by 1.30am I caught a cab home. It was ok though. Now I need ot work out wat to do this Friday night. So we are experiencing some of the same things. Big hug to you. You are doing great