My progress

Saturday, July 14, 2007


How do you make life changing decisions in your world?

Do you make a list?

Do you 'weigh up' the pros and cons?

Do you ask for advice from family and friends?

Are you a glass half empty or glass half full person?

Do you have one person in your life who you consult or do you have many?

Tell me all .....


Jadey said...

All of the above

Chris H said...

yep, all of the above... and I go on "gut instinct" .... if in doubt, DON'T... Don't do anything until you are 100% sure it's what YOU want, then go for it. My thoughts are with you mate.

Suzy said...

I usually weigh up the pros and cons and then go with my heart anyway.

abc said...
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abc said...

Bri, I have made my blog private - I'll email you from work where I have your email address. Anyone else who wants to read it can, I just need to add your email address and know who you are. pepper_57(at)

Do you make a list? Not really. Sometimes I write down the issues - It helps me get clarity, but mostly I find a journal of sorts helps. By writing down my thoughts I go through them

Do you 'weigh up' the pros and cons?
Yes I do. Pros and cons for everybody, and then especially for me. And I look at all the possibilities. Like right now my 23 year relationship that I thought I would have forever is so not working. But I have not closed my mind to one day having this relationship and living separately . It might sound stupid, for my situation it is a possibility. Not everything has to be as society deems it should be...after-all, what is normal?

Do you ask for advice from family and friends? When buying a car - Yes. On my personal life? Very rarely. I find that with the best of intentions family especially are biased and judgmental. They mean well but it means they can not give meaningful advise that is objective. And when it comes to relationships, only you and he know what its really like. Some friends have a special gift...they will say things that help you make up your mind on what is right for you, rather than say "You should do this" or "You should not do that". They help you get clarity rather than put their judgment on the situation. I am a believer in people making up their own mind, not going with what other people think hey should or should not do. The exception is that we can get good advice for specific situations. So as an example, if a woman with small children is being beaten up by her husband, then a woman who has been through that and come out of it ok would be a wonderful source of advice.

Are you a glass half empty or glass half full person? Half full - No doubt about it. I was born with the glass-half-full happy stick (though its been a little challenged this year)

Do you have one person in your life who you consult or do you have many? I am a loner when it comes to this. My life has been my hubby and I am intensely private. He was my soul mate. All that is changing now we broke up last night and I feel very alone in some ways. But I'll be fine. So this question isn't going to give you a helpful answer from me, because it takes alot to become a friend of mine. I had trust broken in my early 20's and am still working on letting people into my life instead of keeping them at an arms distance.

I hope some of that helps, sorry it was a bit long - hey you did say to tell you all!. If you email my hotmail account (the only one I will publish like this) give me your email address and I will add you as a reader to my blog if you like - then you will get an update on my life. pepper_57(at)

angelfish24 said...

I have done all the above in my time of need when I was at my lowest in my relationship. Made list, asked for advice from family and friend. Looked at what my mind and heart were telling me (2 diff. things!).
I kinda regret telling family about my issues with said hubby as that has come back to bite me in the arse so to speak. Something bad about airing all my dirty laundry when they won't do the same. It makes them biased against him and of course they will always be on my side, being my family. But, some friends gave me excellent advice to help me see what I had to do, to stand up for myself and voice my needs and to get help/therapy.
I am a glass 1/2 full person but at times it is hard to keep that positive mindset. But, the alternative is unthinkable, I can't dwell on the negative for long as it brings me down.
What it all comes down to is...what do you want? What is best for you and your child? Are you getting treated how you would treat another? If not, ask for what you need and except no less. You deserve to be happy and I hope you find that someday. Sometimes, it hard to figure out what will be us happy that's for sure.