My progress

Sunday, July 1, 2007

The last post

So, dh is moving out today. He's house sitting with a mate of his for about 3 months. This is good because it means we can work out what we're doing with the house before then. I'm pretty sure at this stage we'll be selling before Christmas even though dh is saying he doesn't want to do that. I just don't feel that I can rely on him to pay his share of the bills and mortgage. He has never been reliable and even though he says he will be now, going on past experience I can't trust anything he says. This is not just because we're separating but from 10 years of experience and knowing how he thinks.

We took DS to swimming this morning and dh wanted to start a fight there. Go figure. He says i'm being irrational and immature. PFFFT, whatever.

I'm starting a new blog as of tomorrow. I have a new email account with my stock standard return to the name I was born with (again). I'm sure the people at the RTA are going to think i'm mental.

I will keep checking the email I have now for a little while so that you guys can email me and i'll give you details of the new blog and email. If I have commented on your blogs today then you can link to the new blog and email from my comments (if it's the one without the photo). I'm going to take a new profile photo for my new blog. I haven't made an entry yet, i'm just setting it up ready to use.

The focus of the new blog probably won't be weightloss. It will be about the trials and tribulations of my life, which will include many and varied topics.

It's a sad day today, especially for little DS as he really has no idea of what is happening. I am excited about my new life and can't wait to get organised and into a routine. Although in saying that DS and I are off on holidays this Friday for a week. DH and I had booked a three bedroom waterfront mansion at Port Stephens for a week, we haven't had a holiday for ages and we were really looking forward to it. Now DS and I are going on our own. Then the weekend after that we have Christmas in July in the Blue Mountains with my Mum, her partner, my brother, his wife and their children. So we're pretty busy for the next couple of weeks anyway and all of this should keep our mind off the changes, hopefully.

I have to go and see the Family Assistance Office about a reduction in childcare and all the other "single mother" benefits. I think unfortunately that i'm probably just outside the dollar figure of getting any assistance whatsoever so it's probably going to be a waste of time, but I may aswell see what they say.

My weight is staying the same at the moment, i'm not too worried about it. Once we're into a better routine i'll start counting points again and get on that treadmill and work off some of this excess.

DS and I will be doing lots of walking on the beach while we're away, I might even take my pedometer if I can find it and make sure I do 10,000 steps a day.

Anyhoo, that's it for now. I probably won't get much of a chance to use the new blog until I get back from holidays (16th of July) so ..... until then .....

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish .....


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Bri.. it is going to take time for things to settle. I didnt think I would ever be able to have a conversation with my ex without an argument.. but now we can.. it is alot better to be able to do that. You will in time look forward to your me time while your little man is with his dad.. believe me!!! I didnt think I ever would and missed my two badly... but now.. I just about count down the hours some weeks!!! haha..
Remeber I am not far away.. email me and we can hash out the pros and cons of living the single mum life...

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh and if you need someone to go to the Gwen stefani concert let me know ;o) haha

Kathryn said...

You should get something - I used to get a nice tax rebate every year when Andrew was young (and all the blokes at work would bitch say they were going to become single parents, because you know it's so worth a couple of hundred bucks a year!!!!) - i think just before Andy turned 16 they changed it and you could nominate to have the $$$ each week as less tax instead.

My 2c of unsolicited advice is to avoid financial entanglements with someone you're separated from - otherwise you are only giving them the power to stress you and cause you grief. Esp if it's your home that is in question because of course you will be the one making up the $ if he falls short.

But you didn't answer the most important question - did you get a tattoo yesterday? You're a bad influence cos I drove past a tattoo shop yesterday and seriously thought about it.

Zanna said...

Hi Bri,

Scary but exciting times for you. As another one who has been there, I can only say that for me it was definitely the right decision and I have no regrets. Would love to keep in touch so make sure you leave me your details. Have a wonderful holiday and look forward to hearing how things are going.
Take care
Zanna xx

Chris H said...

Hope you have a wonderful relaxing holiday, have fun with your wee man and look forward to a new start when you get home. Obviously I would love a link to your new blog when you have it up and running. HUGS from Me OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

abc said...

Every day you are taking step forward. I agree with keeping financials as simple as possible and doing what you can to reduce financial conflict. A big hug to you during this hard time beautiful Bri. Huge congratulations on staying smoke free, especially with going through a breakup like this. About your idea with the hair, tattoo etc... if it was me, I'd see if I could wait until I was celebrating something, then the hair or the tattoo would symbolise something good. Either one you choose, I' start small - small tattoo, change in hair colour...radically short I think would look fabulous on you, but don't do it if its a rash decision. Is there a wig you can try to see what it would look like first? Follow your heart - do what feels right.

Yummy Mummy said...

Hi Bri.. Please let me know where your new blog will be!!
Goodluck and Thanks

angelfish24 said...

I would like to read you new blog too if I can. I'm sorry to hear of all the changes you are going through but I know you will be happier in the future.
Have a fun vacation, I'm taking a small one too.

yublocka said...

Full props to you for coping so well with everything that's going on at the moment. Hope you have a great time away with DS - you deserve it!!

Would love to keep reading your new blog too when you move it.

Mel. said...

Sorry to hear about things but you do need to look after yourself and your son. Hope you have a great holiday and things settle down soon.

Jodie said...

Thinking about you. You will get through this. You know where I am if you need to chat. Hugs to you. XoXoXo

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

Just wanted to let you know I am sending the biggest, squishiest hugs your way, been thinking of you lots today xx

abc said...

You know my email beautiful one.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog on and off ('off' only when computer was sick for 10 months!)for ages now. Left comments over 12 months ago when I had my own blog but that fell by the wayside. Would love to keep reading your blog - you're very inspiring, though you may not feel that way at the moment!

philippa_moore said...

Bri, I've just caught up on your news. As sad as I am to hear of your separation, I am not surprised. When you were kindly offering me your ear and shoulder last year when my marriage ended, I sensed something with you and that you weren't happy. I am so pleased that you've been brave enough to make this decision. I am sending all my love and good thoughts to you - know that I'm here any time you want to talk.

You are coping so well and I hope you enjoy your much needed down time. Take care of yourself and your DS.

And I'd love the new blog details when you get round to it.

Lots of love to you darl


Leighanne said...

I hope you are having a really relaxing time away:)

Would love to know your new blog details too xxx