My progress

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Blood test results

I need to have another blood test on Friday. The doctor said the level has gone down but it's not completely back to normal (which I guess would be zero) yet so they want to check it again.
I've been getting some pretty mean cramping this afternoon so i'm hoping that it's just from overeating or something. I'm still doing the cupboard/fridge stalking thing.

dh is taking DS to daycare tomorrow AND picking him up. I have a work thing tomorrow night, even though i'm on holidays. It's a trivia night with one of our clients so it should be fun. Especially with a few sherberts thrown in for good measure. I haven't seen anyone from work since I lost the baby so it will probably be more difficult for them than it is for me. I don't go back to work til next Monday. I'm not looking forward to it.

I have no idea what to wear. I would like to look fabulous but that could entail some shopping tomorrow - damn i'm SO upset about that! hehe NOT!!

Other than that i'm going to colour my hair tomorrow and maybe curl it in the afternoon. Do a lot of tidying up (oh ok Chris just a LITTLE bit of tidying up- don't want you yelling at me) and maybe treat myself to something nice at the shops. All in all should be a good day!!

I'm hoping for sunshine in the morning so that I can sit out the back and paint my toenails!!

You'll notice i've put my flickr badge back on the blog. I've added the photos from our recent holiday. It was a beautiful house. If anyone wants to check out the website. This place is definitely worth a visit.


Suzy said...

I say treat yourself to something new to wear and have a lovely day.

(Re pies: No I don't have a pie maker - wouldn't mind one though. I have some single pie tins and cook them in the oven for 30-35 mins at 200degrees)

Anonymous said...

I just found you through Hilly and, if you don't mind, would like to link to you.

What an adorable little boy!

I'm so sorry about your troubles... I've been down that road. Looking forward to catching up on your past posts.

angelfish24 said...

You have such a cute boy! Aren't they just angels when they sleep...

And look like a great vacation spot. I love to be near the water and would live next to it if I could. Take care of yourself and hope your ok when going back to work.

Chris H said...

OK Bri, just a LITTLE tidying up then, and woo hoo for shopping! Hope you find something fantastic and makes you look a million bucks. You want to look good when you face your workmates again eh?

abc said...

Have fun shopping, I think you will have a very nice evening. Big hugs to you. and thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog - it means alot. My hand in yours, Rainbow

Sue said...

Honey-pie, I'm sorry I've neglected you for so long. Sending you lots of belated hugs and kisses.