I will also have to stay away from alcohol for a while, cos as soon as I have a drink I know i'm going to want a cigarette. Although I will probably be okay if i'm drinking with other people who don't smoke. I don't have many friends that smoke anymore, smoking is definitely on the way out isn't it.
A few things I forgot about the patches:
- dry mouth (this is a plus cos it means I drink more water)
- horrifically vivid dreams (bad cos it makes me tired)
- sore arms for the first few days, just like when you get a tetanus injection (this passes)
- the patches also make me itchy
- if you forget your patch - you're stuffed!!
I think i'll take the patches off when I go to bed, this could stop the dreams. I've also put a spare one in my handbag incase I ever forget to put one on in the morning.
I brought heaps of point friendly snacks to work today, carrots, rice cakes, lite cottage cheese, tomatoes, so I have no excuse to buy anything to eat that is bad for me.
My weight has gone up, so i've changed my ticker. Geez I was doing so well and now look at me. Oh well, at least i'm still lighter than when I started 3 weeks ago! I'll get back there, just you watch me!
So, all sorted. Here's to a successful day two (and staying away from the servo!!).
Well done.
Hope you have a better day today.
Good luck!!
Hope you are having a great day:)
i think I heard somewhere that you can take the patches off when you go to bed cause you don't normally crave nicotine then.
Keep up the great work. Sounds like you are well organised.
You're doing so well Bri - and if not smoking makes you stay away from alcohol then that's a saving of another few kilojoules. Don't be surprised if your emotions go a bit wacky in the next couple of days - I remember just couldn't stop crying - and I'm not a crier! And I had no idea why but it only lasted a day. By now you're half way through day 2 - Go gadget go!
Way to go on quitting smoking. That is so great. Sorry there are side effects and it will take some time I'm sure.
Good going on bringing healthy food to work. I need to get more proactive and plan out healthy meals.
Yaa, day one down... having less alcohol has gotta be good for your weight too eh?
As soon as I read about the bad dreams I was going to suggest the day time only patches. After all, you don't smoke in yr sleep do you? Well at least I hope you don't! LOL
Good on you for making the break. Don't know whether you're an 'all or nothing' type gal or not, but one of my best friends gave up by not being too hard on herself. Allowed herself a cigarette if she really felt like it, but she said it actually worked the opposite way. They tasted gross, and she'd just have a puff and put it out, remembering why she wanted to give up in the first place. She's been a non-smoker for years now.
Good on you for tackling this with everything else that's going on at the moment!
Chewies.....they help with needing to do something with your mouth, also mean you're not eating to replace the habit....
Good on you! I'm sending as much willpower as I can down the internet line.... Got it? Not yet? It's probably a bit slow off the mark, i've not been using it alot lately!
The patch gives you weird dreams?
I"m not a smoker, but I might be up for some cool, weird dreams. ;)
You are a legend Bri and I know you can do this.
Good on you, dude. I'm so proud of you for making the decision to quit. It's bloody hard, but I know you can do it. Will be thinking of you.
Some people are actually allergic to the patches. That's something you might want to check. You are doing so well though. Congratulations on making the decision!
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