My progress

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Not much to report. Went out last night, found out some pretty huge gossip. Had a few drinks. Still haven't had a cigarette but I really felt like one last night, probably because of the champagne - god I love that stuff! It will be two weeks on Monday since I had a ciggie so i'm getting there. I'm still using the patches and probably will for another couple of weeks at least.
Will probably go into work tomorrow morning to try and catch up before the new girl starts on Monday. Just being lazy around the house today.
...and that's about it.


Mary said...

Sounds like you're in a good head space right now and damn woman, how awesome are you! Well done with not smoking for 2 weeks now!! That's a pretty damn good effort and it looks like it's gonna stick too.

Leighanne said...

You are so strong not having one when you really felt like it...congratulations:)

lg said...

I'm a recent champagne convert - I've only started drinking it in the last year and I LOVE it!

Great going with the ciggies!

CaramelKitKat said...

You're doing SO WELL kicking the fags - how do you feel??