4 months of no smoking. Go me. I'm exstatic about that, even though i'm a little unhappy about other areas of my life. Now I need to work on the other areas.
Yesterday I had an improvised diet day. I had cereal for breakfast and forgot to take my lunch to work. We had a lunchtime meeting so I had 3/4 of a turkish bread with fetta, spinach and pumpkin. For dinner we had KFC. OOPS!!!! I didn't have any snacks or fruit and I only had about 600ml of water.
I really need to get back on track but i'm just so tired. I have no energy whatsoever. DS is waking up every night coughing and he's got a very bad cold. DH has a bad cold too and is snoring more than normal. I'm still going to the gym every day but it's hard to eat properly when you're tired. I really need to make the effort though cos I don't want all this hard work going to waste. I will do the groceries tonight. In the meantime i'm doing the best that I can.
Four months is brilliant! Do you think this is it now? No going back? My god, think off all the money you must be saving!
As for the other stuff, you can only do what you can do. There's no point pushing yourself to go to the gym if at the moment you really don't have the capacity. Give yourself a break.
Oh Bri... eat more Kfc.. and throw in a few maccas meals... oh and dont forget greasy fish and chips... mwahahahaha
Cant have you catching up ... pffffttttt
Just jokin ... I hope the boys are better soon.. nothing worse than sick kids.. ;o) I know the big one is probably worse than the little one..haha
Oh and congrats on making 4 months without smiking..thats frikkin fantstic...
That's AWESOME Bri, well done! It's definitely tough when your routine is mucked up so focus on the boys getting better and maintaining.
FANTASTIC EFFORT the no smoking, long may it last! I hope your guys are better soon, and kick Jason when he snores! Or send him to sleep with the other boy... they can keep each other awake. Hope you are feeling a bit more energetic soon.
Way to go on the no smoking for 4 months! Woohooo. You are doing such a great thing for yourself.
And about the diet, it's hard. I'm slacking a bit in that department too with our holiday weekend. Oh well, back at it tomorrow.
Hope your family gets over their cold quick.
well done on the smoking. That turkish bread sounds mighty yummy, but you can keep the kfc. it's disgusting stuff - I used to have one down the road from me and I can't handle the smell at all.
Congrats!!! 4 months is awesome... well done! I wouldn't stress too much about eating, while everyone is sick and you're tired being an eating angel is way too hard. As long as you're still exercising you'll find it easy to get back on top of everything, if you've quit the ciggies you can do anything :)
Celebrate the positives! Four months of no smoking? Outbloodystanding!
Amazing - just so proud of your efforts in stopping smoking. Just go with the flow a bit till you get some energy back - you're obviously not getting that far off track so just be gentle with yourself till things settle down.
Z xx
Hey - going to the gym on limited sleep, giving up smoking, eating as best you can? Sounds as though you are doing REALLY WELL! Give yourself some (a lot of) credit!!
Going 4 months without smoking is wonderful. I quit 3 years ago, after smoking 50 a day for 15 years. Hardest thing I have ever done, other than losing weight that is. I knew after 4 months that I would never smoke again. I just couldn't fall into that trap and go through all I had to to quit. Good on you. Life is so much easier, and better without them.
4 months - that is huge!!!! Well done!!
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