Monday - severe case of Mondayitis. Weight up from eating so much - they said this would happen. Crap day.
Tuesday - appointment with the D&A counsellor (for DH) - then went to Spotlight and bought some wool. Good day.
Wednesday - had to go and set up a typist who is going to do work for us from home. Long day. Started off miserably when an officer of the constabulary pulled me aside for exceeding the speed limit. D'oh!! - shit day.
Thursday - Had to chase outstanding accounts. Spent half a day at the damn fax machine. Hate that. Another crap day. Bonus was that I got to buy myself a new toy. See if you can spot the difference in the photos below:
Friday: Had to do updates for Brokers on all our files. Haven't done this for about six months and it was a huge task but I got it just about finished and i'm very proud of myself. Now i'm rewarding myself with a few of these:
All in all a pretty good day!!!!!
Oh and you are calling me a biatch!!!! OMFG.. you got yaself a flat screen monitor!!!!
thats sooooo cool....
And ohh I love ya cocktails....
wheres my invite...
when do you get holidays??? I am on my way!
I want one!! My oh so trendy 2003 model 17" screen reminds me of one of those old school giant TV's now! I want a flat screen too!!
Flat screen, I'm so jealous! I want to get one but then I remember I'm going to get a laptop one day so don't need it.
I want a flat screen SO much too!
Sounds like you deserve a few cocktails after the week you have had.
Niiiiice new screen, and I didn't cheat and read them above first! lol
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