My progress

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I didn't realise how long it had been since I had posted. So here is the week in review:

Went to Canberra, ate really well - made healthy choices where I could and even went out one day and bought fresh brown bread rolls, chicken and salad because the family were having pizza. I went for a walk around the lake near my sister's house on the Friday (over an hour) and did heaps of incidental exercise as well. I didn't snack too much and was very proud of my eating. Also got TTOTM while I was away so I figured I would have a good loss when I got home cos I always put on/take off a kilo at TTOTM time.

Got home and the scales told me i'd put on a kilo - PUT ON A KILO - What the????????????

I hate my scales.

I went back to the gym today and i'll go again tomorrow. I'm not giving up but it's just very depressing when you make an effort (and you normally wouldn't bother) and the scales still go the wrong way. Ho hum .....

On the bright side - looks like I might be getting my computer at home back soon. Cross everything you can for me!!


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh dear... my scales suck too..
Dont stress... prob just fluid.. it will be gone next week..
I just want to eat everything in sight..but my belly is protesting from my easter Gastric /acid reflux be gone...plzzzzzzzz
I feel like curling up and sleeping..I hate being unwell.
My own fault..bloody chocolate!
oh and cornchips.. oh and scotch..oh and fish n chips... Oh and all the other friggin crap i managed to scoff over the last 5 days...
But I enjoyed it at the time..
Weighbridge that will tell all damage.. woooohoooo
lardy arse on the way!!!
Happy that your comp will be ready soon...
hope to see a few more posts coming up...

Zanna said...

It's bloody soul destroying isn't -you can live with it when you know you've been slack but when you make a determined effort sucks. Though as Nanette says it's probably fluid and should disappear next week if you just hang in there. Just had a big try on session of some of my smaller clothes and got such a shock to find that just about everything fits!!! so I should soon be entering the realms of virgin (or at least 15 years ago) skinniness. Oh what a feeling .... it's what makes it all worthwhile so just keep to th old cliche of one day at a time - boring but it does work. Here's to big losses!
Z xx

Sue said...

That's one of the reasons I've gone to monthly weighing - the cyclical variations mess with my head!

Sue said...

And two and a half months since you quit smoking! WOW!

Chris H said...

You may be on a plateau.... try changing something, be it more exercise or a different exercise routine, or a bigger lunch - smaller dinner, or eat different foods for a while, try something new.... it may help.

abc said...

Bri whatever you do, just keep up the good work. You are doing great. I find getting bummed out like that brings me down and then I eat alot.

Mel. said...

Bri just keep doing what your doing and the scales will move in the right direction eventually.